Thursday, February 18, 2010

God's Patience Class

God has decided to hold a patience class with me in the mornings.

It wasn't until just recently that I no longer had to battle with Brayden in the morning. He'd cry and stomp...and come up with every ailment under the sun. One time he literally stumbled through the house saying he was blind and stuck with his story until he got out of the car at school. We have had mornings where he couldn't walk on his feet so he walked on his knees all over the house. I even put his tail in the car to save the knees of his pants only to have him open the car door and skip to the front door of the school. He has faked stomach aches and throwing up. As he got older his antics became more sophisticated. When I quit falling for the "Mom, I threw up." and I started checking behind him he would chew food up and spit in the toilet. One day I talked to two of his teachers and got the shock of my life. One teacher mentioned how his haircut made him look like someone actually loved him and the other teacher mentioned that he said he did not have a belt and that I wouldn't buy him one. (For the record...he hid his belts...he had plenty) I informed them both that if I could get him to school clothed I was doing great. Brushed hair, belt and underwear were bonus points! By the time I finished dragging him, leading him, or carrying him to the car I just about had to start over on my hair and face. In the past year he has matured so much and it is such a blessing that he gets up with no ailments....fully dressed WITH underwear and ready to go with time to spare. I thought "YAY!! I passed the class of patience....thank you God"

Then I realized that I celebrated WAY too soon.....

Kayla Grace had always gotten up just fine. She had always been excited about going to school and getting dressed. One night something happened and my sweet little angel woke up foul, demanding and absolutely off the chain. It has CONTINUED!!! It takes 10 min just to get her to respond. No matter what I lay out for her to wear it is wrong. She cries and talks about how she doesn't have any friends, people are going to laugh at her, she wants to wear something to match Michaela or Anna......and it goes on and on. The other morning she pitched a fit because I wouldn't let her do her nails before we left. SHE IS 5 YEARS oLD!! It is positively awful....If Brayden walks through the room she goes balistic because he looks at her. And it is nothing for him to retaliate by grabbing a nerf gun and shooting her with it. You can then imagine how the morning goes...

So now I know the reason for all of Brayden's antics....God was preparing me for Kayla.....

Ahhhhh the joys of Motherhood