Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I love REDBOX!!!

Just because you tighten your budget belt does not mean that you have to go without all forms of entertainment. I love renting and watching movies. Nothing helps pass time quicker while ironing two mountains of clothes than to get lost in a movie while performing that monotonous task. If you have laundry piles like I do, you could easily understand why it would take several movies finish the job. Movie rentals at Blockbuster run around $4.99 a movie, but I have found a very inexpensive alternative….REDBOX!!

Redbox is basically a DVD vending machine. I never knew they existed until this past week and I have to say they are just divine little inventions. They are mainly located at various convenience stores and grocery stores….some inside and some are outside. So they get their first “star” for convenience. Another huge convenience is that you can rent a movie from one Redbox and return it to any other Redbox that may be convenient to you. This is great if you are traveling because you can literally return them to a Redbox in a different town.

What really puts them high on my list is that movies rentals are only $1 plus tax. They must be returned by 9 p.m. the following night or you get charged $1 late fee for each late day. Even if you rented two movies and had a late fee it would still be cheaper than one movie rental from Blockbuster. You just can’t beat that price no matter what your budget situation may be.

Don’t misunderstand and think that these are older releases either. Each box is stocked with new releases and get more new releases each Tuesday. They are also stocked with a variety of genres including children’s movies, action, drama, comedy and horror. You are guaranteed to find something that would suit anyone in your family. If there is a movie that you want to make sure you get you can also reserve it online and choose the location to pick it up. How awesome is that??

Be sure to check out www.redbox.com. It will take you through step-by-step on setting up your free account so that you can begin to enjoy. You can locate the Redbox rental locations in your town and see what is available at each. You can also get free rentals.

Let me know what you think of this new phenomena….I’m loving it!!