Thursday, February 18, 2010

It's None of My Business

It’s None of My Business

If your neighbor was having an affair would you expect an apology, some details or explanations? Although some may find it interesting to get an earful of drama, it frankly would be no one’s business. So why is it different for Tiger and Elin Woods?

Last night I listened as a host on a mainstream media channel say that Tiger needed to come clean with everyone on Friday. She said that he needed to “tell us more” than what had already been told…we need something new. Personally, I think the only person he needs to worry about coming clean with is his wife. Yes, he is a great golfer and he is in the public eye, but he is not in MY home, paying MY bills, fathering MY children or sharing MY bed. Taking this into consideration, I do not see where he owes me or anyone else an apology or explanation.

On the same show they had the famed feminist attorney Gloria Allred. Gloria is representing Veronica Siwik-Daniels, who is also known as Joslyn James in the porn industry. Apparently, she is one of many who had an affair or relationship with Tiger. She claims that he impregnated her twice and that she left the porn industry because he did not like what she did for a living. Their relationship allegedly lasted for the past three years. Sadly, Ms. Siwik-Daniels, feels like she was victimized and wronged. Gloria Allred has stoked that fire and she has been very vocal about the fact that Tiger needs to use his press conference tomorrow to publicly apologize to Veronica and he also needs to call and apologize to her personally. HELLO???? What about what she has done? She knew that she was getting involved with a married man that had children…does she not owe HIS WIFE an apology? Ms. Allred explained that Veronica had been victimized by Tiger because she believed him only to be involved with his wife and herself. PLEASE!!! This is ludicrous and almost laughable that they would actually come on TV and say these things. How does she honestly think his wife feels? She’s the one with the wedding band and marriage certificate that stood before God and exchanged vows!! How do ya think she, Mrs. Woods, feels to find out that SHE was one of many. Both of these women, Gloria Allred and the porn star, need to get a clue.

So what is it that draws us to the drama of these public figures? Why is it that we all feel like they owe us an explanation or that we have the right to know about their private lives? I can understand a situation like a politician because my tax dollars are paying their salaries and they are supposed to be working on my behalf….but a golfer? Nope, none of my business.